People First

Pathlabs Core Value: People First

We recently took a look at our company’s core values.  We asked, “what is most important to us as a group of people and as a company?”. One performance standard everyone could agree on is going above and beyond for our co-workers and partner agencies. Good service is essential to our business practices and we aim for unforgettable service.

We have four company values: People First, Be Unforgettable, Own It, and Master the Craft. In today’s blog, we are diving into Pathlabs’ core value – People First.

At an all-hands meeting, we had Pathlabbers vote on which coworkers best represented each of our new core values. Andy Morse, our knight in shining armor (and Security + IT Solutions Analyst), received the most votes for People First.

Here is what he had to say:


Mario Schulzke, Chief Marketing Officer, expanded on this. Schulzke said, “Our business can be stressful. Technology comes and goes. But “people” will always matter, so we always put people first. And when we’re talking about people, it’s about relationships – the relationships we have with each other as co-workers and the relationships we have with our clients. By putting people first, a surprising outcome tends to follow. Great work.”

We prioritize relationships first. Relationships with our partners, our employees, our direct reports, peers, and managers. We’re nothing more than people. Building, valuing, and maintaining strong relationships is the cornerstone of success. Relationships should be fun, rooted in honesty, and we should care about one another’s success and well-being first and foremost. A big part of this value is about empowering ourselves, our teams, and our partners. Growth comes when we facilitate it. Anyone in the organization can solve a problem if they empower and facilitate the conversation.